Bahnhofstrasse 40
56068 Koblenz
The International Centre for Water Resources and Global Change, founded by the German Federal Government under the auspices of UNESCO in Koblenz, has commenced work in July 2014. Specialised UNESCO Water Centres pool competencies in single countries or regions, acting as international reference platforms for the exchange of knowledge and methods. The Centre is located at the Federal Institute of Hydrology (BfG).
The ICWRGC supports the implementation of the “Intergovernmental Hydrological Programme” (IHP) of UNESCO and the “Hydrology and Water Resources Programme” (HWRP) of WMO. When establishing the ICWRGC, the management of the IHP/HWRP Secretariat has been incorporated into the ICWRGC. The Centre pursues the Secretariat’s tasks within the scope of these programmes.
The ICWRGC works in close cooperation with partners from the scientific community, operational hydrological services, data centres and water-related UN-organisations. It supplies these partners with customised products for information, as a basis for scientific investigations, to improve operational skills, for policy advice and capacity development in the water sector.