Ritterstrasse 9
76137 Karlsruhe
Hydron GmbH is a German Consulting Organization.
Our supply of services is based on the competence and long-time experience of our staff and covers the following fields:
Hydrological Models
model development, parametrization and calibration, model improvement and adaptation, training -
Operational forecasting and early warning
high water, low water, water temperature -
Model-based hydrological investigations
climate change, land use change, design runoff, potential for hydroelectric power generation, groundwater recharge, soil water cycle, soil erosion, snow -
Model-based optimization
flood protection measures, detention basins, low water and water quality management -
Water quality modelling and analysis
water temperature, oxygen and nutrient budget, hydrochemistry, thermal plumes and jets, waste water plumes and jets -
Special software
special developments and customizing on demand -
authorisation procedures, literature reviews -
Examination of measured and simulated data
time series analysis, frequency analysis, multivariate statistics, geostatistics, GIS