Rheingaustrasse 186
65203 Wiesbaden
The HLUG is a technical and scientific environmental authority within the organizational framework of the Hessian State Ministry for the Environment, Energy, Agriculture and Consumer Protection (HMUELV). Dedicated and competent professionals of various disciplines are working together in order to investigate and evaluate the key media of our environment – water, soil and air. They are in charge of key tasks on behalf of the Hessian environmental administration, as for instance the further development of the geodata infrastructure. Data and information on the condition and change of the environmental media are recorded, collected, processed, evaluated and are made available to the general public. These data are used to develop concepts, policy recommendations and expert opinions. On this basis the HLUG provides scientific, expert and practically orientated advice to the ministries and other authorities. The agency regularly informs experts as well as the public through publications, informative events (public meetings) and the internet.