Seminar and conference hotel Arte
Riggenbachstrasse 10
CH-4600 Olten

**The program is available, see PDF below. **The symposium will be held in English language.
Presenting results from the CHR project on snow and glacier melt components (ASG2) of streamflow of the River Rhine under climate change and implications for operational water management.
Climate change will strongly affect the hydrology and the water management along the River Rhine. With its headwaters in the Alps and several major tributaries from other central European mountain ranges, the hydrological regime is particularly influenced by changes in glaciers and snow. The international Commission for the Hydrology of the Rhine Basin (CHR) has therefore initiated a project with the aim to analyse and simulate the changes in the streamflow components of the Rhine from glacierized and non-glacierized parts of the basins together. The results of this project will be presented and discussed during the upcoming CHR Symposium.